TRIBÙ 與你一同遨遊金字塔奢華「海上豪宅」
Monaco Wolf by Heesen Yachts
Monaco Wolf by Heesen Yachts
沒有什麼比豪華遊艇 Monaco Wolf 的寬敞日光浴甲板更能開闊您的視野了,它斜倚在 TRIBÙ Mood 躺椅上。這艘由屢獲殊榮的荷蘭建築大師 Heesen Yachts 建造的 50 米長的遊艇結合了工程創新——它的流體動力船體使其能夠以更少的燃料更快地行駛——義大利設計師 Francesco Paszkowski 設計出動態、流暢的線條和別緻的室內裝置設計。
Paszkowski 巧妙地利用了日光浴平台,包括酒吧、用餐區和休息區,並以 TRIBÙ 的 Mood 系列裝飾襯托。有 70 平方米的空間可供玩耍,他將酒吧和用餐區設置在雷達拱門下方。纖細的吧台和餐桌採用高度拋光的木材,與 TRIBÙ's Mood 酒吧椅和扶手椅豐富的棕色手工編織座椅和溫暖的柚木形成鮮明對比。
There can be few more spectacular places to broaden your horizons from than the spacious sundeck of luxury yacht Monaco Wolf, reclining on a TRIBÙ Mood Daybed. The 50-metre craft by award-winning Dutch master builders Heesen Yachts marries engineering innovation – its hydrodynamic hull allows it to go faster on less fuel – with dynamic, fluid lines and a chic interior by Italian designer Francesco Paszkowski.
Paszkowski made ingenious use of the the sundeck to include a bar, dining area and lounge space, elegantly furnished with TRIBÙ’s Mood Collection. With 70 square metres to play with, he set the bar and dining area beneath the radar arch. The highly polished wood of the slim bar and dining table contrasts with the rich brown handwoven seating and warm teak of TRIBÙ’s Mood Bar Chairs and Armchairs.
位於凸起按摩浴缸旁邊的寬大 Mood 沙發床是一款繭的樣貌,邀請客人蜷縮起來看雲。Mood 系列採用高科技 Tricord 紗線製成,因此編織的座椅靠背觸感柔軟,但非常堅固,可抵禦陽光和海浪。
The generous Mood Daybed placed next to the raised Jacuzzi is a cocoon that invites guests to curl up and watch the clouds. The Mood Collection is made using high-tech Tricord yarn, so the woven seat back is soft to the touch yet incredibly strong and resistant to sun and sea spray.
Monaco Wolf 將荷蘭卓越的工程技術、義大利的創造力和 TRIBÙ 精緻奢華的戶外家具融為一體——真正開闊了視野。
Monaco Wolf brings together Dutch engineering excellence, Italian creativity and TRIBÙ’s subtly luxurious outdoor furniture – horizons truly and most beautifully broadened.
Lagoon Seventy 8

Lagoon Seventy 8
優雅的外形、流暢的線條以及技術完美與美觀設計之間的完美平衡,共同構成了全新的Lagoon Seventy 8機動豪奢遊艇。該描述同樣適用於 TRIBÙ 戶外家具,這些家具被選為讓甲板和沙龍看起來溫暖而精緻。
An elegant profile, sleek lines and a fine balance between technical perfection and beautiful design sum up the new Lagoon Seventy 8 motor yacht. And the description works just as well for the TRIBÙ outdoor furniture chosen to give the decks and salon a look of warm sophistication.
TRIBÙ 的 Tosca 系列既奢華又舒適,用微妙的咖啡色和奶油色調設計增添了迷人的視覺效果。正如游艇上的每一個元素都經過精心設計,每件家具都必須通過功能性、耐用性和觀賞性來贏得一席之地。
TRIBÙ’s Tosca collection, as luxurious as it is comfortable, adds an intriguing visual twist to the subtle coffee-and-cream design scheme. Just as every element on the yacht is worked out to the last detail, so each piece of furniture has to earn its place by being functional, durable and a pleasure to look at.
Lagoon 尋找了一些海軍設計領域的知名人士來打造其令人驚嘆的新旗艦雙體船:VPLP 的年輕法國團隊、法國人 Patrick le Quément 和米蘭的 Nauta Design。他們巧妙的概念讓別緻的生活區通向廣闊的空間,供您享受日光浴、放鬆和娛樂。
Lagoon sought some of the great names in naval design to create its stunning new flagship catamaran: the young French team at VPLP, Frenchman Patrick le Quément and Milan-based Nauta Design. Their ingenious concept allows for chic living areas that open onto wide spaces for sunbathing, relaxing and entertaining.
Tosca 系列內外都非常漂亮,主沙龍有一張 Tosca 餐桌和扶手椅,通向一個有更多 Tosca 扶手椅的有蓋甲板。Tosca 沙發和俱樂部椅的超大編織,搭配 Branch 矮桌,以及圓形沙發床和非常舒適的躺椅,觸感柔軟,但足以抵禦海浪和鹹味微風。
The Tosca collection works beautifully both inside and out, with a Tosca Dining Table and Armchairs in the main salon, opening onto a covered deck with more Tosca Armchairs. The oversized weave of the Tosca Sofa and Club Chairs, paired with Branch Low Tables, as well as the circular Daybed and deeply comfortable Lounger, are soft to the touch yet tough enough to withstand sea spray and salty breezes.
Tosca 的設計師 Monica Armani 使用陶瓷夾層玻璃創造了平滑彎曲的餐桌,這是一種特殊的技術,可以留下獨特的、柔和的雲狀表面圖案。
Tosca’s designer, Monica Armani, created the smoothly curved dining table using ceramic laminated glass, a specialised technique that leaves a unique, softly clouded surface pattern.
Nomad 坐墊無論放在哪裡都營造出一個輕鬆的休息區,柚木燈籠在 Lagoon Seventy 8 和 TRIBÙ 之間的設計和諧場景中隨著光線的消退增添了柔和的光芒。
Nomad poufs create a relaxed seating area wherever they are placed and a teak lantern adds a gentle glow as the light fades on a scene of design harmony between Lagoon Seventy 8 and TRIBÙ.